Indian Fusion Band at Fete de La Musique

Indian Fusion Band at Fete de La Musique

Fete de La Musique 2017 in Hannover (IASH) Fete de La Musique 2017 in Hannover: Fete de La Musqiue is a world-wide festival on 21st June every year dedicated to international music on select cities that are very well known for musical tradition, Hannover is designed...


IASH-iCAFE INFORMATION FORUM - APRIL 2017 @hannover  Gallery Description: Introduction to the insurance system in Germany and the recommended insurances for students, working professionals and families by Coracle, Hamburg. Presented by Samy Raj and Matthias Weidtler...
IASH Festival of Colors

IASH Festival of Colors

IASH Festival of Colors March 25, 2017 - (14:30 - 16:00) Gallery Festival of Colors 2017 – Registration IASH Member...